Start your Career in Sixsentix

We provide a foundation from which people can grow in any direction

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iT starts with YOU

At Sixsentix, we believe that by providing our colleagues with the right environment, tools, resources, and most of all trust, they will achieve outstanding performance that will ensure a bright future for themselves and the company.

Our aim is to be a fully agile organization and through our methodology we ensure the best test automation services for our clients and let our colleagues be subject matter experts in testing. We work agile, not only on the client projects, but also give our best to achieve complete agility internally.

Thanks to our short decision paths, we offer our colleagues a working place where they can have an impact. Due to our agile mindset we are continuously pushing our organization forward by being open minded and by welcoming new ideas and improvements. We are looking for people who are not afraid to take ownership, challenge the so called “best practices”, enjoy working with like-minded people and contribute to our growth plan by going above and beyond.

Do you want to have an impact?

We, as an organization will never stop you from pushing things forward, being creative and implementing new mechanisms that bring value. Once you share your ideas with us, we will do our best to enable you with everything you need and then step out of the way and let you take ownership. We take You and Your words seriously!


You matter, so do our values!

Before you apply, please take a look at our company values. Not only do we follow them, but we identify ourselves and the whole organization with these values. If you feel empowered and drawn to Sixsentix while discovering our values, then we might be the right match for each other.

Team Spirit

The Team comes first.

We know that team is the most important and that working together brings us special quality. All colleagues in our company are members of our Team. Respect for colleagues, our diversity and fellowship are things that we value.


We have trust in our colleagues.

We believe that every one of us performs best when there is a foundation of trust. It is important that we are open and honest. Our colleagues and clients should always feel trusted and respected.

Breaking Limits

We break limits and take challenges.

For us it is important that we always give the best and beyond that. That includes courage, proactivity, determination and readiness to think differently. We accelerate quality and have strong desire to win new markets.


We act like we own.

Accountability is a key word for us. We take care of our tasks and treat team goals as ours. We are responsible to deliver the best service and product to our clients. In order to do that, we give our best to recommend only good people for the team.

Continuous Improvement

We challenge status quo.

We value personal and team development through continuous education, which means improvement in technical and soft skills field. Proactivity in learning and willingness to share knowledge and help others to become better are important to us. Our colleagues and our clients can feel our improvement on a daily basis.


We show persistence and passion.

We value the character strength and when people complete their tasks, with the ability to recognize priorities. Passion in work and positive energy in everyday activities are important to us. Our people are eager to find solutions and create value for our clients.